Gaming Technologies

I have had a lot of experience with interactive and gaming technologies. I grew up with computer games being a great educational experience. When I was little, I played typing, math, reading, and Disney games. When I got older, I started playing the Sims, Nancy Drew, and mystery games. The Sims is a game where you can create Sims and control their lives. I loved playing Nancy Drew as a teenager. Nancy Drew is a mystery game where you play as Nancy Drew, trying to solve the mystery. It's interactive, giving you puzzles and codes to discover and solve. It requires a lot of time and thinking. Not only is it fun, but also educational.
I've also used some interactive Playstation games, such as Just Dance. It's a game that you can play with your phone and the Playstation. You choose the songs to dance to on your phone and follow the moves on the screen. It's a great way for video games to become active, rather than just sitting on the couch and looking at a screen.
In my childhood library, they have begun a video game collection. I wish the libraries around North West Indiana did the same. It's a great way for the younger generation to get into the library and check out materials other than books. The library also has interactive gaming sessions, where kids can play Wii and interact with the material at hand, even if it's as simple as playing virtual sports. It allows the library to educate users about sports in a virtual setting. Gaming provides great advertising, especially for the younger generation.


  1. Hi Paige! Reading your post about gaming was entertaining. I remember playing the Sims and Nancy Drew mystery games on the computer, too! Did you ever play the Oregon Trail game in the 1990s? That is interesting that your childhood library started a video game collection. I wonder if that will somehow affect the circulation statistics of the other materials the library has available? How do they know which type of video game to buy for their collection? Is it for in-house use only, or do they allow the games to be checked out? That would be interesting to see how it goes for them!

    1. Hello!
      I'm so glad I know someone who played Nancy Drew too! And yes! I played Oregon Trail. That was always a fun game. We always had to play that in computer class.
      As for the video game collection, the young adult librarian takes charge of that. They just had PS4, Wii, and Xbox games available. I think they try to get the newest games in; however, they don't get the newest game right when it is released. The patrons are allowed to take it out for one week. It seems to be pretty popular. I've checked out a couple games as well!


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